Maria Paola Caria
Graduated in Odontology and cum laude in Statistics, Demography and Social Sciences at University of Milano-Bicocca with a discussion on Measures of the integration of foreign migrants in Lombardy: a methodological proposal.
Specialized cum laude in Biostatistics and Experimental Statistics.
PhD Student in Medical Sciences, Department of Public Health Sciences at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm with the thesis: Effectiveness of a prevention programme based on a comprehensive social influence model on alcohol-related behavior of European students.
Research fellow at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Avogadro University, Novara.
Currently working as a consulting statistician at the Centre for Research on Healthcare and Social Management (CERGAS) of Bocconi University.
Collaborates to three annual research reports titled: Immigration in Lombardy 2005, 2006 and 2007, within the project Statistical Observatory for the foreign presence in Lombardy, edited by the Fondazione I.S.MU. for the Regione Lombardia.
Since 1993 works with Incontro Association on the social inclusion of persons with disabilities.